
Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation | Camarillo, Ventura

Active Spine & Sports Care

There are a few different Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation methods/services for pain relief offered in our offices in Camarillo and Ventura. Here is a short overview of each of them:


Cryotherapy | Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation

Cryotherapy can be used to reduce the swelling that has occurred in the tissues, thus reducing pain. Muscle spasms are reduced and blood flow is restricted due to surface cooling. Pain is severely decreased.

Electrical Muscle Stimulation (EMS) | Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation

Electrical Muscle Stimulation or EMS increases vascular pumping which reduces inflammation. This procedure can also assist in the breakup of myofascial adhesions. It can also help reduce the adhesions accumulated around the joints by breaking them up. Electrical Muscle Stimulation also works to strengthen muscles after they have been injured.

Mechanical Traction | Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation

Muscle spasms are reduced when mechanical traction is implemented. It can also stretch spinal segments and relieve compression. Swelling/edema is greatly reduced when mechanical traction is initiated.

Moist Heat / Hydrocollator (Superficial Heat) | Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation

When moist or hydro collator / superficial heat is used in Cryotherapy, elevated muscle tone is decreased. Patients will experience fewer muscle spasms, increased blood flow, and a decrease in pain levels.

Ultrasound (Deep Heat) | Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation

Using Continuous Ultrasound in a Cryotherapy procedure assists in breaking up myofascial adhesions. This deeper penetration of heat softens the tissues, decreases pain, and increases the flow of blood. Connective tissue such as ligaments can benefit from Micro massage, which is also known as pulsed ultrasound.

An Ultrasound can also initiate anti-inflammatory molecules into the injured tissue, thus reducing pain. These procedures help ligaments to heal better and faster as the scar tissue is more organized.

Therapeutic Exercise as part of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Services

Increasing your core stability means making your trunk muscles stronger to keep your spine and body stable. This helps you stay balanced when you move. Core stability benefits everyone, from older people to top professional athletes.

What is core stability?

Core stability means that the trunk of your body (your core) is strong enough to be able to support the rest of your muscles as you move. Usually, you lose your balance more easily if your core is not stable (your core muscles are weak). And you may hurt yourself more easily when you make sudden movements or movements you’re not used to.

Our doctors will work with you on learning how to correctly strengthen your muscles. You will learn how to use your inner muscles before you start your exercise – whether it’s correct rotation in golfing or tightening your stomach before you lift something.


The benefits of strengthening your core muscles may include:

  • The strong, healthy feeling that comes from good posture
  • Confidence from strength and good balance
  • More strength and power for your activities
  • Less chance of injury
  • Decrease in, or prevention of, low back pain.