Functional Movement Assessment (SFMA/FMS) | Camarillo, Ventura
Active Spine & Sports Care
The Selective Functional Movement Assessment (SFMA) is a series of 7 full-body movement tests designed to assess fundamental patterns of movement such as bending and squatting in people who suffer musculoskeletal pain. Our doctors study the movement of the patient and his moving patterns. This gives them the opportunity to identify meaningful impairments that may be seemingly unrelated to the main musculoskeletal complaint, but contribute to the associated disability. This concept, known as Regional Interdependence, is the hallmark of the SFMA.
The assessment guides the clinician to the most dysfunctional non-painful movement pattern, which is then assessed in detail. This approach is designed to complement the existing exam and serve as a model to efficiently integrate the concepts of posture, muscle balance, and the fundamental patterns of movement into musculoskeletal practice. By addressing the most dysfunctional non-painful pattern, the application of targeted interventions (manual therapy and therapeutic exercise) is not adversely affected by pain.
Modeled after Cyriax’s selective tissue testing, each test of the Selective Functional Movement Assessment is scored as functional / non-painful, dysfunctional / non-painful, functional / painful, or dysfunctional / painful. The goal is to identify the most dysfunctional non-painful movement pattern and break the pattern down to identify the underlying cause of the dysfunction.
This includes using traditional muscle length and joint assessment tests which lead to corrective manual therapy and exercise interventions. Emphasis is placed on identifying the most dysfunctional patterns. The model calls for the intervention to be directed only at the non-painful patterns. This ensures that the adverse effects of pain on motor control will not hinder corrective strategies.
The Selective Functional Movement Assessment serves to efficiently integrate the concepts of posture, muscle balance, and the movement system’s fundamental patterns into musculoskeletal practice. Additionally, it provides feedback on the effectiveness of the therapeutic exercise program, which targets dysfunctional movement patterns and related impairments.